

Ultima in February

2 March 2024

The first ULTIMA halving took place

The ULTIMA token has entered a new era with its first halving! This significant event was anticipated by all members of the ULTIMA community! Halving the rewards by two is a crucial step in ULTIMA’s hyper-deflationary development model.

After halving every delegated liquidity pool will distribute half as much ULTIMA — only 25.92 ULTIMA. This amount will be shared among all holders of VIP, UNITY, GOLD, and BSP tokens.

Learn more about the features and the impact of the halving on the ULTIMA price by watching this video: https://youtu.be/rnwX_8bRfT0


Several changes have occurred in SMART BLOCKCHAIN due to the halving:

The minimum SMART balance in SMART Wallet has been increased

Dear community, we are eager to inform you that the minimum balance of SMART coins in SMART WALLET has been increased from 3,500 to 5,500. This is the amount of SMART you need to have in your balance to perform any transactions — from sending tokens to splitting.

We recommend checking the balance of your SMART WALLET and, if necessary, topping it up in advance for further operations.

The energy price in the SMART BLOCKCHAIN network has increased fivefold

With the fivefold increase in energy price, the average splitting transaction cost, instead of 220 SMART, will be just over 1,100 SMART, which could be a positive impulse for the growth of SMART’s value!

All changes are primarily aimed at the long-term and stable growth of our ecosystem! More transactions = higher demand for the SMART coin = price increase!

Launch of GOLD Split Contracts and GOLD Pool! 

Another significant news this month was the launch of the GOLD pool with Gold split contracts.

The main distinction of the GOLD split contract is that it includes both a license and a contract — this means that now to get long-term rewards from the GOLD pool, it’s sufficient to purchase just a GOLD split contract package! Learn more about how to purchase a contract here.

GOLD split contracts are packages that define the user’s right to own GOLD SPLIT tokens. It is the ownership of GOLD SPLIT tokens that entitles the user to get rewards from the GOLD pool! The more GOLD SPLIT you have, the more ULTIMA you will receive. It’s worth noting that the maximum supply of GOLD SPLIT is limited to just 1,000,000 tokens!

Together with the GOLD-split contracts, we have launched a pilot version of the cashback program. Every owner of a GOLD split contract automatically gets cashback points on their balance, which can be spent on purchases at global.ultimastore.com!

You can now get 100% cashback points, but their volume will decrease every week:

March 11:

100% cashback points

March 16:

-20% cashback points

The reduction over the month will be 100%, and then you will only be able to receive GOLD split tokens without cashback points!

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the promo and grab 100% cashback points before the first reduction:


Several useful guides for working with the GOLD pool:

How to withdraw GOLD split tokens after concluding a GOLD split contract to SMART WALLET?

How to conclude a GOLD split contract?

How to get a reward in Ultima for holding GOLD SPLIT?

In the new version of SMART WALLET 1.15.1, security has been significantly enhanced

A passphrase — the thirteenth additional word to the mnemonic phrase, set by the user when creating the wallet, has been added to the new version of SMART Wallet. The passphrase is not stored in SMART Wallet, and the user is the only one who knows it. It will protect your wallet if, for some reason, you lose access to the 12-word mnemonic phrase.

Here are some recommendations for working with the passphrase from the Ultima team:

  • Store the passphrase separately from the mnemonic phrase to prevent unauthorized access to your wallet;
  • The passphrase should not be too obvious to prevent it from being guessed through brute force. Use meaningful words to you that you will definitely not forget. 

Also, pay attention to changes in the process of importing new wallets into SMART Wallet. When importing an existing wallet with a mnemonic and passphrase, you need to check the box “I have a passphrase” and proceed with further actions. If you are importing a wallet with only a mnemonic phrase, the import process remains unchanged.

Working with cryptocurrencies requires increased attention to security, so it’s important for us to provide our users with quality service and an unprecedented level of protection. For this purpose, we have implemented a passphrase in Smart Wallet, considered one of the advanced methods of protecting cryptocurrency assets.

Update your SMART WALLET now:

Website: smartwallet.com

Google Play

App Store

ULTIMA has entered the top-300 cryptocurrencies on the CoinMarketCap crypto aggregator

Ultima, the key token of our ecosystem, has made it into the top-300 on CoinMarketCap — a reputable aggregator of digital assets and other important indicators from the crypto world.

This is an important indicator and achievement that strengthens the position of the ULTIMA token in the international crypto arena! The team is doing everything possible to reach new heights!​​

The first event of the year, ULTIMA CONVENTION “TO THE MOON” 2024, is coming soon! 

Friends, there’s not much time left until the first event of 2024! Please note that every guest needs to confirm their attendance at the event. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

Send your flight ticket and hotel reservation to events@ultima-business.com. 

Receive confirmation of registration in the return email.

Download the ticket from your personal account when it becomes available.

If you live in the UAE and do not require a hotel reservation and flight ticket, just write to us about it in the email.

Remember, if you need an invitation letter to obtain a visa to the UAE, please send an email to events@ultima-business.com with the following information: full name, date of birth, passport number and its electronic copy, and residential address.

Especially for ULTIMA CONVENTION “TO THE MOON” guests, the five-star Le Méridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre offers accommodation at the most favorable price!

Use this link to get the best offer:https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1706538734906&key=GRP

We are eagerly looking forward to meeting you at one of the most significant events of 2024 for the community!

Ultima in the Media

Major online media outlets from around the world continue to write about Ultima. They highlight the uniqueness of splitting as an alternative to mining and staking, recognizing the contribution Ultima makes to the adoption of cryptocurrencies as a payment method alongside fiat currencies.

Kamerunische Ausgabe 237ACTU.COMOnline-Medien zum Thema Kryptowährungen Khaleej TimesKryptomedien CoinGapeAusgabe Happy Coin News Analysten von OvenAdd: Wie hoch kann ULTIMA wachsen? 
Die kamerunische Ausgabe 237ACTU.COM untersuchte den Token ULTIMA als ein eindrucksvolles Beispiel für einen hyperdeflationären Token mit einem streng begrenzten Angebot von nur 100.000 Tokens!

Khaleej Times nennt als Beispiel für einen hyperdeflationären Token den Token ULTIMA des gleichnamigen Ökosystems mit herausragenden Kryptoprodukten. 

In der Welt der Kryptowährungen hebt CoinGape den ULTIMA-Token dank seines innovativen Ansatzes und seiner fortschrittlichen Mechanismen hervor.

Happy Coin News hebt ULTIMA unter allen Kryptowährungen als innovatives Blockchain-basiertes Modell hervor, das Hyperdeflationsmechanismen folgt.
Die Kryptoanalytiker von OvenAdd behaupten, dass der Durchschnittspreis von ULTIMA bereits im Jahr 2024 13.000 $ überschreiten könnte und bis 2026 deutlich über 30.000 $ liegen wird! Und das bevorstehende Halving wird die bullischen Tendenzen und Stimmung auf dem Kryptomarkt nur verstärken!
 Mehr Informationen: https://237actu.com/la-sagesse-des-jetons-deflationnistes-apercu-du-modele-ultimaMehr Informationen unter diesem Link:
Mehr über die Besonderheiten des Ultima Token lesen Sie hier: https://coingape.com/education/renounce-ownership-ultimas-hyperdeflationary-mechanism-explained/Mehr über die Besonderheiten und Vorteile von ULTIMA lesen Sie hier:https://happycoin.club/giperdeflyacziya-v-ekosisteme-ultima-ponimanie-preimushhestv/Hinterlassen Sie Ihre Reaktionen, wenn Sie mit der Prognose von OvenAdd einverstanden sind:https://ovenadd.com/ultima-coin-price-prediction/

Reminder, our team regularly prepares up-to-date guides for you on working with Ultima products, as well as exchanges where our token is listed. Guides are available in text and video formats.

If you prefer text materials, we invite you to our Help Center, and if you prefer videos, welcome to our YouTube channel. Playlists are available in more than ten languages.

Help Center

YouTube Ultima

We thank each of you for choosing Ultima and your contribution to the development of the community and ecosystem! Our team continues to work intensively to delight you with new products and solutions! 

See you in the next digest!