

The main transaction problems in the USDT TRC-20 network

8 December 2022

The USDT TRC-20 cryptocurrency is the most popular stablecoin to date. For example, the USDT TRC-20 volume on the market exceeded 40.7 billion this spring, while the volume of USDT ERC-20, its main competitor,  was 39.8 billion at that time.

However, despite the growing popularity in the industry and a strong development team, USDT TRC-20 is not immune to scammers and emerging bugs. Information about problems in the USDT TRC-20 network  appears on the network regularly. Most of the problems are related to the scammer activities, as well as to the current bugs in the network. In this article, we will tell you about the most common problems that users face.  Study this information carefully, as only knowing and understanding the causes of the main network problems will help you save your funds and use the opportunities provided by the largest stablecoin to your advantage.

“Spam” transactions

Users report that small transactions of unknown origin are coming to their wallets. In this case, the sender’s address almost coincides with the recipient’s wallet. This is to make the user copy a fraudulent address accidentally when sending a transaction. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you always carefully check the addresses to which you send transactions and which you give to other users.

Sending “empty” transactions from the user’s address

A number of users faced the fact that empty transactions had been sent from their addresses. In this case, a “hole” in the USDT smart contract is used: the initiator of a zero USDT transaction can set any address as the sender, and that’s all. The transaction fee is also paid by the account that signed the transaction, not by you. The goal of the attack, just like in the first paragraph, is to force the user to copy the scammer’s address mistakenly and send a transaction to it.

Out of energy error when sending transactions

When sending transactions, users face an Out of energy error. The reason for this problem is the increased fee for sending USDT. When there is not enough energy on your account balance, TRX is burned to get this very energy. The difficulty is that Fee limit is set to 10 TRX for most wallets, that is, a transaction cannot spend more than this limit, and for a successful transaction you need about 12.5 TRX at the moment.

As always, the solution for Ledger is to use an alternative interface, namely Tronscan, instead of Ledger Live. To do this, go to https://tronscan.org, select Connect Wallet on the top right and follow the instructions. Tronscan sets the Fee limit to 1000 TRX by default.

Troubled USDT crediting to Trust Wallet balance

Users are also reporting issues with crediting USDT to their Trust Wallet balance. A wallet  bug has recently appeared. It causes incoming transactions to be displayed with a delay of several hours, while the balance has already been topped up. Transactions are displayed with a delay of several hours. The user does not see the incoming transaction and thinks that the funds have not been credited to the balance..

We recommend that you check your balances and transactions at https://tronscan.org or https://www.oklink.com/en/trx, as you can always find up-to-date information there.