

Top Ultima News for the Last Week of March!

25 March 2024

Ultima has announced a contest for the best video about DeFi-U: participate and win!

Share and show how DeFi-U and daily ULTIMA rewards have changed your life for the better, and send your video to our bot @defiucontest_bot.

Each participant can submit 3 videos during the contest. And 10 videos — the finalists of the competition — will receive GOLD split tokens from the team.

The contest lasts for 10 days, from March 21st to March 30th inclusive. Good luck!

A free ULTIMA CARD awaits you only at the ULTIMA CONVENTION “TO THE MOON” 

All event guests can get an Ultima crypto debit card for free!

To receive the ULTIMA CARD at the event, guests must complete KYC verification in advance on the ucryptocard.com website. If the verification is successful, on the day of receiving the card, it is necessary to show a personal account with passed KYC verification, as well as a passport or ID.

GOLD split contracts with cashback points — a unique chance to get cashback points for free

The amount of cashback points awarded has already decreased by 40%! You can now grab 60% cashback points, as there will be another reduction in a week:

March 29th

60% cashback points

March 30th

-30% cashback points

Hurry to claim your 60% cashback points before the next reduction: DeFiu.com

We wish you a productive week!